
China mount Hua

Mount Hua is located near the city of Huayin in Shaanxi province about 120 kilometers east of Xi’an. It is one of the five great Chinese sacred mountains and has been a pilgrimage destination for centuries. In the past, it was believed to have three peaks, but today there are five main ones, of which the highest is the southern peak, with an altitude of 2,154.9 meters. The mountain has several religious temples, both Taoist and Buddhist. The climbing is extremely dangerous in many places, with overhanging paths, sometimes without handrails, and narrow so that no more than one person can pass at a time. It is possible to reach the northern peak by cable cars, but the highest peak, the southern one, is still reachable only on foot. China mount Hua Access to the mountain is also conditioned by weather conditions: in the event of strong wind or ice, the ascent becomes impossible. Despite the extreme danger that characterizes the trekking practiced here, the number of visitors has increased. This is also because the Chinese government has allocated funds to create some safety measures such as the addition of stone steps and parapets that have somehow managed to mitigate the danger. Moreover, in recent times easier routes have been opened that, regardless of the large influx of tourists and icy conditions, allow the same to make the climb without particular problems and at the same time the riskiest slopes have been closed. Click the link now to see our trekking trips in China! In any case, it is always necessary to use the utmost caution when climbing, therefore it is strongly not recommended for non-professionals. China mount Hua

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