
Mount Fan Si Pan in Vietnam

Fan si pan is a mountain in Vietnam, classified as the highest in Indochina (including Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia), due to its 3,143 meters in height. To be more precise, it is found in the province of Lào Cai, which is a north-western region of Vietnam, 9 km southwest of Sa Pa Township, in the Hoang Lien Son mountain range. Click the link now to see our trekking trips in Vietnam! This peak is also called “the Roof of Indochina” and has about 2,024 floral varieties and 327 animal species. At the top of the mountain, there is a monument, that is a metal pyramid made by the Soviet engineers of Hòa Bình in 1985, during an amateur mountaineering expedition, scheduled for the 40th anniversary of the day of the Soviet Union’s victory over German Nazism. Mount Fan Si Pan in Vietnam The tourist companies of the area, here organize excursions that last from one to three days, although generally, only a few guides take tourists on an excursion that lasts only one day, because obviously, it presents greater difficulties and fatigue. A small village is located at about 1,500m, where hikers are offered food and accommodation to rest, while further up, at 2,800m there is also a night camp. For those who do not have a passion for climbing, then they can choose to use a cable car with a modern three-wire cable, inaugurated in February 2016 and famous for holding the record for the longest three-wire cable in the world. Mount Fan Si Pan in Vietnam Each cabin of the cable car can accommodate up to 35 guests, with a transport capacity of up to 2,000 people per hour. A must-try stop for all those who want to experience the charm and thrill of a high-altitude adventure, which certainly will not disappoint your expectations. If you love trekking, you must not miss this opportunity!

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